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HomeAbout the Cars - More 356 Information

More 356 Information

The links on this page are to other websites which contain interesting and sometimes fascinating information about the Porsche 356 - price lists, parts evolution, accessories, aftermarket accessories, radios, trivia, eccentricities, etc. Although the creators of these websites are known to be reliable, responsible individuals, the Porsche 356 Registry is not responsible for the accuracy of the content on those websites. Clicking on the buttons or images will take you to the websites. Enjoy.

If you know of any similar websites please send a link and description to the Club Coordinator. Note that this page will display better on devices that are in a landscape position.

Other Interesting Links

Jay and Jerry


See more of Jay and Jerry at Videos under the Media Center menu.

Paul Hatfield's Website

(Click on Image to Enter)

EnginesInBack logo small

There's a lot of technical information in this website. Please check out all the pages from the buttons at the top of each page. There's technical articles about manufacturing date codes, labeling on NOS parts, and restoring original floors to name a few. The site contains videos, hundreds of photos, technical articles, and lots of information about Porsche 356's.

Bruce Smith's Website

(Click on Image to Enter)

Carbs-Fuel-Ignition Evolution

C-F-I specializes in servicing Bosch, Zenith, Solex and Pierburg for Porsche and other European Sports Cars.

This website describes the the evolution of these parts with photos of all models and exploded view parts diagrams of these parts. Also featured are Bruce Smith's technical articles from the 356 Registry.

Eric Cherneff's Website

(Click on Image to Enter)


This site is intended to provide information on the original tool kits found in Porsche 356 automobiles. Wherever possible, I will provide detailed descriptions and photos of individual tools and the entire kits appropriate for various years.

Max Hoffman Websites

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Hoffman showroom small Hoffman house small


Max Hoffman was the original importer of Porsches into the United States. Mr. Hoffman was a lover of great design and hired the world famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wright to design his showroom in Manhattan as well as his personal residence. 

The website on the left describes the showroom and the website on the right describes the house and its relationship to the 356.

Very cool Porsche 356 factory documentary -
"Made by Hand" 

Benjamin Abraham's Website

(Click on Image to Enter)



This site is intended to provide information on the original tool kits found in various Porsche automobiles including the 356.

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