Please help the Registry.
We plan to continually expand the content and organization of the site, but we need the help of experienced 356 owners. No website experience required! Please send an email with your interests to: Website Volunteering.
Help wanted:
Identifying information for Technical Topic pages. Example: Topic Page - Zenith 32 NDIX. The task involves selecting technical topics that are of interest to members, writing a short page introduction and identifying a list of magazine articles, web resources, and forum topics and writing brief descriptions for each. We'll take the information and turn it into a Topic page.
Sourcing content for technical pages. We are seeking high quality scanned files of any non-copyrighted material that helps our members. If you are an author, perhaps there is a way to collaborate to provide some content.
Media Content. We’d appreciate submissions and leads on Media content, including feature articles, videos, photos, art, event reports, etc.
Adding Regional Club content. We have space to promote Regional Clubs, but we need their input. At the minimum we need good contact information for the main page and Club finder, but we would be happy to discuss hosting sample newsletters/magazines, articles, or other content of interest to our mutual members.