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Guide to the Porsche 356 Registry Website 

Need personalized help? Options below:

Support from the Porsche 356 Registry

If you have a problem logging in, updating your profile, renewing your membership, or making a paymentplease contact the 356 Registry Club Coordinator, Lori Schutz, at 304-935-0356 or email. Office hours are 11am-4pm Eastern Time, Mon-Fri.

For help related to 356Talk, please click this link to send a message. Include your phone number.

If you need help with Classified Ads (placing/changing an ad, interpreting rules, or even if suspicious about a seller), please email the Classifieds Team  and include your phone number. 

If you have questions about Chassis Number History, please email Michael Branning and include your phone number.

If you are not receiving monthly e-newsletters from the club, resubscribe on this page

For status on magazine delivery schedule, see the Magazine Page

Support from ClubExpress
The vendor that provides the website platform has a responsive support staff that can help you with login and renewal issues. 

US Toll Free: 1-866-HLP-CLUB (457-2582) Outside the US: +1 847-255-0210
Telephone support hours: 6:30AM to 9:00PM, Mon-Fri, US Central time. 
Outside these hours, please email

Help Documents


Website Help Manual: 
The 356 Registry website team has created a customized manual covering most topics about our websites and includes 356Talk Help.

Full Website Help Manual

Help Shortcuts: Didn't find what you were looking for in the Manual? This Google docs file lists a number of quick help topics. Generally we'll add help items here temporarily until they can be moved into the Website Help manual.

Help Shortcuts

Logging in to the website: The 356 Registry website manages your account and your user credentials (user name & password). Your membership settings may be updated in your profile pageMany features of the website are only available to current members when logged in. If your membership is expired, you may still log in, but you will be directed to renew. 

Detailed Log In Help

Searching the main website for content:
 Our website has a tremendous volume of information about the Porsche 356. The searchable document library holds nearly 7000 documents, including all the magazine articles in PDF format and many scans of original Porsche documents. 

Document Library Search Instructions

Policies governing use of the website

The website is governed by our Community Guidelines, which define acceptable online behavior, and the Website Terms of Use. By using the website you must comply with these policies and rules. Failure to do so can be grounds for suspension of website privileges or in extreme cases suspension or even expulsion from the Porsche 356 Registry. 

Porsche 356 Registry Inc Community Guidelines

Porsche 356 Registry Website Terms of Use
The Porsche 356 Registry takes your privacy seriously; our official policy is below. We do not sell your personal information to anyone. By default your name, city, and state will appear in our online Membership Directory. You may change the Membership visibility settings to display more information and allow other members to contact you -or- you may opt out of the Directory entirely. Please visit this page for more information.

Porsche 356 Registry, Inc. Privacy Policy

Quick links to explore the website (available from menus also)

Please help the Registry.

We plan to continually expand the content and organization of the site, but we need the help of experienced 356 owners. No website experience required! Please send an email with your interests to: Website Volunteering.

Help wanted:


Identifying information for Technical Topic pages. Example: Topic Page - Zenith 32 NDIX. The task involves selecting technical topics that are of interest to members, writing a short page introduction and identifying a list of magazine articles, web resources, and forum topics and writing brief descriptions for each. We'll take the information and turn it into a Topic page.

Sourcing content for technical pages. We are seeking high quality scanned files of any non-copyrighted material that helps our members. If you are an author, perhaps there is a way to collaborate to provide some content.

Media Content. We’d appreciate submissions and leads on Media content, including feature articles, videos, photos, art, event reports, etc. 

Adding Regional Club content. We have space to promote Regional Clubs, but we need their input. At the minimum we need good contact information for the main page and Club finder, but we would be happy to discuss hosting sample newsletters/magazines, articles, or other content of interest to our mutual members. 

Thanks to our Contributors!

This website is the result of thousands of volunteer man-hours. Below is a list of significant contributors. Please show them your appreciation. Also thank the Trustees for their support for this new platform.

Mark Roth
Kobus Reyneke
Fred Eiden
Andrew Opicka
Bob Showalter
Mandy Seaman
Chris Krulak
Greg Bryan
Joris Koning
Darryl Higgenbotham
Cliff Murray
Jack Smith
Debbie Cooper 
James Davies
Spencer Harris
Brenda Perrin

Jim Perrin
Tom Perazzo
Ted Hengst 
Larry Coreth
Steve Douglas
Ben Wainscott
Doug Carrie
Brett Johnson
James Schrager
James Wayman
Bill Romano
Matt & Michael Leoni
Mary Skamser
Lori Schutz
Gordon Maltby
Michael Branning

Quick Tips: Photo albums, Slide Shows and Videos

Personal & Club Photo Albums

Members can create and showcase they're own photo albums.

  • To create personal photo albums, follow these instructions - PDF
  • Both Club and Personal Photo Albums can be viewed on the MEDIA CENTER >> PHOTO ALBUMS page.

    - When you get to the page, click on "Show All" to view them nicely grouped
    - You may also Search and Filter albums

Slide Shows

You'll find slide shows throughout the site and most have a few controls:

On the sides of the image:
  • Scroll left & right
At the bottom:
  • Show thumbnails where you can click on a specific image
  • Pause / Play slide show
  • Image number of total
  • Image name
  • Pop out the image where you are able to selectively scroll through images
  • Full screen


Most are embedded into our Website with the following controls available:
  • The three dots at the top right allows you to watch later or Share
  • At the bottom:
    • Pause / Play video
    • Sound control
    • Position in video / Total length
    • "cc" switches closed captioning on and off
    • Little gear provides settings such as quality, etc.
    • "YouTube" takes you away from our site to YouTube
    • The little box makes it full screen within our site

Testing Area

New features appear here that are being evaluated and may be buggy. No guarantees they will be rolled out. Use at your own risk!

Below is a Google search box that only searches 356Talk posts. It has ads currently and we’ll see if they can be eliminated.

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